I started to visit Vivary Park in April for exercise but also for the fact that Vivary is special for me. I enjoy watching the seasons come and go each year and I find it a place where I can just sit and be still with nature.
As lockdown became part of everyday life, I fell into the way of speaking to anyone sitting alone, or even a couple sitting together. I visited the park most days and faces became familiar to me so I found it easy to share our viewpoints about the virus. Folk were happy to share their views on Covid-19 and, for those living alone, often admitting to being lonely, I made a point of looking out for them each day and calling them by their name.
When, and if, I feel it appropriate, I ask the question "Have you given thought as to why this pandemic has come about?" and receive varying replies.
I offer my own view of us not treating our Earthly Home (Mother Earth) with as much consideration as we should, myself included!! I then lead on by saying that a Higher Power might be at work in the Universe, wanting not only Nature to be given respite but, also, ourselves.
I add that lockdown has certainly given me time to make adjustments to my life and I am grateful for this. I ask if their experience of the last months has any similarity to mine. I also tell them that I am a Christian.
I keep the discussion very light-hearted and know when to say "Thank you for listening and do take care."