Having a chaplain promotes a positive culture. It shows employees that production numbers are not the only matter of importance. Employee mental health is a priority when chaplain services are provided. For some a chaplain is a friendly face and a listening ear. Others may see the chaplain as someone who will listen to them, not judge or criticise, who is able to keep what is said confidential and may be even suggest somewhere to find help.
When a chaplain starts working with an employer the first priority is getting to know the workforce and the workplace. Thereafter regular visits mean the chaplain will be able get to know individuals better and be available for everyone.
Integration into the workforce is important and we have found that the more a chaplain mixes with the people, the better the service works. We know that there may be individuals who do not wish to engage in conversation with outsiders and we respect that, our service is offered and not imposed at any stage.
In an age of increasing isolation there can be a real sense of loneliness even in a busy working environment. Into this the chaplain injects genuine care and concern, looking out for the welfare of others and extending the hand of friendship.
Chaplains have had a positive impact in Taunton and have been welcomed by employers as making a positive contribution to their operations.